The Salvation Army of Hunt County

Non Profit OrganizationCharitable OrganizationFaith Based OrganizationsFood Pantry - Food ShelfSenior Citizens OrganizationsSocial ServicesSummer CampsVolunteerYouth DevelopmentYouth Recreation
9 AM to 4:00 PM Mon-Thu. 9am-12P Fri.; varies depending on community events, business meetings, etc.
Driving Directions:
Heading north on HWY 69, take a right on Lee Street, travel about two miles to SCRPT, located on the left, across the street from J.P. Waters Elementary School.
About Us
The Salvation Army of Hunt County is a service center located in the Senior Center Resources and Public Transportation building located at 4912 Lee Street, Greenville, TX.
Emergency assistance is provided depending on funding levels, and a public food pantry is located in the Hope For You community building in Greenville, Texas, at 4320 HWY 380 Bus.
How we Help:
Christmas Assistance
The Salvation Army recognizes that holidays can bring added financial and emotional stress for families in need. We offer a variety of services to help families and individuals make it through more difficult holiday seasons.
Fighting food insecurity
In our fight against hunger and food insecurity, we provide meals through food pantries, meal programs, community gardens, and more.
Ways to Support our Mission and Give:
Donate Money
Your donations to The Salvation Army help us serve the most vulnerable members of your community..
Donate Goods and Clothing
Your in-kind donations help fund rehabilitation programs that heal addictions and change lives.
Volunteer opportunities are available and we need volunteers throughout the year. When you join our team of volunteers, you’re helping us build communities where lives are changed and hope is found.
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